
Est since 2010

“Since 1982 thousands of people from around the globe have completed the Davis® Mastery for Dyslexia Program with a 97% rate of success.”

Books by Ronald D. Davis

The Gift of Dyslexia

Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read and How They Can Learn (Revised and Expanded)

By: Ronald D. Davis with Eldon M.Braun

First published in 1994, Ron Davis’ The Gift of Dyslexia became an immediate best-seller and changed the face of how dyslexia is viewed – and how it can be remedied – worldwide. The third revised and expanded edition published in 2010 contains added information to help with the mental techniques for orientation and attention focus that are the hallmark of the Davis program.

The Gift of Learning

Proven New Methods for Correcting ADD, Math & Handwriting Problems

By: Ronald D. Davis with Eldon M. Braun

This book, written as a companion to The Gift of Dyslexia, provides a detailed overview and step-by-step instructions in methods for addressing math, attention focus, and handwriting problems. Parents and teachers who have been working with students using the Davis reading techniques will find additional exercises they can use to improve other basic learning skills.

The book also includes a special section on motivation, which is the ultimate key to success with Davis tools.  This section explains how to guide students to discover their inner needs and create their own goals that will provide the stimulus for success.

Autism and the Seeds of Change

Achieving Full Participation in Life through the Davis Autism Approach

By: Abigail Marshall with Ronald D. Davis

An in-depth look at a revolutionary approach to empower individuals with autism, giving them the understanding and tools needed to achieve their full potential. The Davis Autism Approach is uniquely geared to the autistic perspective, and enables each person to make sense of their world and the motivations and behaviors of others around them. This book explores the history of development of the Davis method, explores its connections to emerging scientific research, and takes the reader on a guided journey through the three phases of the program: Individuation, Identity Development, and Social Integration

All books can purchased from the Davis bookstore (click on image of book) or found on Amazon

Carl D. Nigi, Licensed Davis® Facilitator
356 Woodroffe Ave, suite 201, Ottawa, ON, K2B 5B6
Phone: 613-558-7797
Email: carlnigi@yahoo.ca

Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am-4pm