
Est since 2010

About Davis Facilitator Carl Nigi

I sometimes get asked, "Why did you become a facilitator?" The answer is simple: I’m dyslexic myself. By today’s standards, as a child I would have been diagnosed with a learning disability and ADHD. I was definitely hyperactive; my mother tells me that between the ages of 6 to 10 years old I ran almost everywhere and seemed to be in perpetual motion. What people could not see was that I wanted desperately to do well in school and, more than anything, I wanted to enjoy reading. My mother wanted that for me too but was at a loss to understand what to do.

I get asked by parents regularly, “Why can’t my son read?” or, “Why can’t my daughter pay attention?” I have asked these same questions daily for almost 30 years. “Why can’t I read like others can? I’m an adult now, I know how to concentrate; I’m not stupid or lazy, so why can’t I do this? What is the problem?”

My experience growing up Dyslexic

In my twenties I began to look for other people with dyslexia, and ADHD. I wanted to find someone, anyone who had the same problem as me and who could answer my questions and give me a solution that worked. It took more than 20 years. I looked at and tried many conventional methods and experienced a lot of disappointment and frustration.

The Davis programs gave me the insights and the method I had been looking for. I felt that at last here was someone who could articulate my experience, tell me what I was doing and show me how to overcome it and have the success I had always dreamed of. The Davis programs were developed by a Dyslexic/Autistic to give an understanding to parents and provide a positive solution for children/adults to overcome dyslexia, ADHD and autism.

They worked for me when little else did. I have seen the programs work for many others; so much so that I changed professions become a Davis facilitator. Once I had overcome my own dyslexia, I realized I could not sit back and watch others have the same frustrating and confusing experience I had. I had to get involved and help others. I know that dyslexics can have understanding, success and learn to read, write and study as well others. We can overcome the problems associated with dyslexia, ADHD and autism when we understand it and have people around us who are willing help in a way that works for us. We can have our dreams of reading, writing and success come true.

I have been a facilitator since 2010 and, for me, Davis is the simplest, easiest, fastest and least expensive way to help anyone with dyslexia, ADHD, learning difficulties and Autism. Davis programs help to remove the barrier that is stopping someone from learning. They address the underlying cause and truly help the person overcome their difficulties.

My intention is to help change the current paradigm of learning disabilities and make Davis a household name. This is because I believe that the Davis method is the most significant advancement in education in generations. My hope is that one day Davis will be an integral part of education and mental healthcare and that Davis will be the preferred method of helping people with dyslexia, autism and other learning difficulties. This is because once we understand what Ron Davis discovered, we realize that it is as profound and fundamental to human beings as the ideas of Newton and Einstein. In my lifetime, I want Davis to be realized and accepted as self-evident”.

Carl D. Nigi, Licensed Davis® Facilitator
356 Woodroffe Ave, suite 201, Ottawa, ON, K2B 5B6
Phone: 613-558-7797
Email: carlnigi@yahoo.ca

Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am-4pm